Commissioning a Portrait
With every portrait I strive to create a unique and timeless work of art, and to make the process enjoyable and rewarding for everyone involved. I work from live sittings and/or my own digital photographs. The first meeting with my client involves a discussion of the overall feeling of the portrait, how best to convey the subject and their personality, and considerations of setting, size, lighting, and clothing choices.
During the scheduled sitting of 2 to 4 hours, depending upon size of the portrait, I will sketch the subject and take reference photos. Select photos will be reviewed with the client for their feedback. When working from photographs it is beneficial to have a second session (that same day or the following day) to paint a head and shoulders color study.
Preliminary Sketch
Soon after the initial sitting, for 1/2 figure, 3/4, and full-length portraits, I will complete a small preliminary paint sketch in my studio to be used as the basis for the finished painting. This small sketch provides an excellent idea of the composition, lighting, coloration, and atmosphere of the portrait and will be shown to the client for their approval.
I will then complete the painting in my studio. Although many portraits are completed with photographic reference, I encourage live sittings when possible.
Once the portrait is finished I will send a photograph of the painting to the client for approval before shipping; local clients may see the finished portrait in person. For clients within 60 miles of my studio I may deliver the painting myself.
Quality Guaranteee
The artist guarantees a recognizable likeness of the subject and will complete the painting in a style consistent with my portfolio/website. The highest grade professional materials are used in the creation of the artwork ensuring durability and permanence under proper conditions.
Portrait fees begin at $13,000. Please contact the artist for details at ellencooper@ellencooper.net or by phone at 610-891-8402.